Are you being hounded by debt collectors in Fairview, Texas? Collection calls may not be the only way credit cards, medical bills, pay day advance loans, and repo deficiencies affect you. Your debt may be holding you back from buying a house, a new car, finding a better job, or reaching your financial goals. The reality is that no matter how hard you try to repay your debts you may not be able to pay off your creditors without help. High interest rates and fees will ensure that many debtors are never able to repay the principal on their debt. You have a couple of options. You can struggle with your finances for years, throwing money at debts that you will never be able to repay or you can take steps now to fix your financial situation.
Obtaining Debt Relief Through Bankruptcy
Federal law provides a way for consumers and small businesses to erase debt, stop collection efforts by creditors, and get a fresh financial start. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy may allow you to:
- Stop foreclosure of your home
- Stop repossession of your vehicle
- Stop creditor harrassment
- Stop lawsuits against you
- Discharge many types of debts with little or no repayment
No Charge For Initial Meeting with Attorney
I don’t just file bankruptcy cases. I help people improve their lives by reducing the stress resulting from debt, helping them save their homes and cars from seizure by creditors, and helping them acquire a brighter financial future. I provide excellent customer service and affordable rates, which is why a large portion of my legal practice is built on client referrals.
Contact Us
I am a Fairview TX bankruptcy attorney, representing individuals and small businesses in Plano, McKinney, Allen, Parker, and Fairview, Texas. I don’t charge my clients for their initial consultation. Call me to speak directly with a bankruptcy lawyer.